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Biskupské gymnázium Brno a mateřská škola

Fotogalerie 2023/2024

Letters from Brno



Autor: Mgr. Filip Kirchner

5 fotografií

Dne 11. 3. se na Bigy uskutečnilo promítání filmu Letters from Brno a beseda s autorkou filmu

paní Karen Kruger o problematice holocaustu. 

Letters From Brno, an award winning documentary, tells a powerful personal story of parental love and sacrifice during the Holocaust. In a 45 year search for clues to her mother's past, a woman uncovers the tragic fate of her grandparents from the eyewitness accounts of their letters written during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia. (

Akci organizačně zaštiťoval student Adam Ulčák, za což mu mnohokrát děkujeme.

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